Afonwen Antiques Gift and Craft Centre | View Attraction Details
Browse around the largest family run antiques, gift and craft centre in North Wales. We guarantee a warm welcome. You'll see a vast display of antiques, collectables and furniture from c1700 to c1900 covering two showrooms. 60 show cabinets with a spectacular stock of Beswick, Moorcroft, Royal Worcester, Royal Doulton, jewellery, silver, crystal and 1000's of unusual curios. Exhibitions and demonstrations weekly. Plus don't leave without trying out our fabulous licensed restaurant!
Afonwen Antiques Gift and Craft Centre
Nr Caerwys
Tel: 01352 720 965
Fax: 01352 720 346
This is a free attraction
Note: Open all year, closed Mondays But open all Bank Holiday Mondays. 5.00pm
Part of: Arts, Craft categories
How do I find Afonwen Antiques Gift and Craft Centre?
Signposted off A55 Junction 31, Junction 8 on A541
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