Moel Famau Country Park | View Attraction Details
Moel Famau is an impressive Country Park. The heather moorland turns purple in the Autumn and contrasts beautifully with the green grassland pastures of the Vale of Clwyd.
The Park is an important part of the Clwydian Range AONB. The heather provides food and shelter for wildlife, such as grouse, stonechat and curlew.
The remains of the Jubilee Tower are at the highest point in the Park at 554m (1818ft). It was built to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of George III. A storm in 1862 reduced the impressive Egyptian style monument to the base that can be seen today.
The Park covers an area over 2000 acres and is managed by Denbighshire Countryside Service. The service improves the heather moorland, drystone walls and access paths and provides information and facilities for visitors. Forestry Enterprise manage the neighbouring Forest as a sustainable conifer plantation for timber production and visitor destination.
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Moel Famau Country Park
Moel Famau,
Country Park
Tel: 01352 810 614
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